The thrill of seeing large sums of money flowing into your bank account keeps you going each day in the direct sales world. There’s no question you have the drive.

The question is, do you have the know-how to go with it? In other words, are you wasting each day simply because you don’t know how to maximize your sales opportunities?

Fortunately, it is indeed possible to become a superstar in direct sales. Here are seven amazing secrets on how to be successful in direct sales in 2020.

Let’s get started!

1. Identify the Target Market

One of the most important steps you need to take in direct sales this spring is to determine who your services’ or products’ best buyers are.

In many direct sales firms, your trainers will have you start by listing 100 individuals you know. Although you may certainly find some new business partners or customers in your list, it is best to simply pinpoint who your best potential buyers are from the start.

If you identify your offerings’ target buyers, you’ll avoid wasting energy and time on people who honestly aren’t into what you are offering.


2. Pinpoint Your Value Proposition 

In addition to identifying who will likely purchase your offerings, be sure to also identify how they benefit from using your offerings.

For instance, maybe your products will help your customers to feel more energetic. Or, maybe your service will enable them to feel more self-assured.

Reframe your offering’s most outstanding features into benefits that your prospective buyers are looking for. This is the best way for you to make sale after sale.


3. Make Daily Contacts

Another important step for any serious direct salesperson is to constantly contact potential customers. In fact, a good goal is to make five contacts each day.

Yes, you are already very busy. We get it. But the key to your success is keeping your calendar full.

The more you allow gaps to develop in your bookings, the more challenging it will be for you to maintain your sales momentum long term.

4. Be Respectful of the Client’s Time

When you interact with clients, try to treat their time as a precious commodity. After all, the time you take from them is time they’ll never get back.

As a general rule of thumb, people appreciate directness and brevity. So, when you’re speaking with your potential customer, be friendly, but keep them focused.

Also, pre-plan the items you will go over with them. This will help you to stay on track during your entire conversation with them.

5. Be Different

Ask yourself this question: “Why should a customer purchase X from me instead of another direct sales representative down the street?”

It is critical that you differentiate yourself from your competition. What makes you stand out?

An excellent way to show how you are different is to share a personal story with your prospective buyers. After all, nobody has the story that you do. This means they can’t replicate what you’re sharing.

If your story resonates with your potential buyers, then these buyers may be motivated to purchase from you versus another representative. 

Another way to make yourself stand out is to offer a greater level of customer service to your clients. You could even also offer an enticing loyalty program for repeat clients.

Furthermore, consider customizing your offering, if possible. You may also want to create your own online site to showcase your personality. Even an advice-filled newsletter that you send out to clients via email can make you hard to forget in the client’s mind.


6. Follow Up with Clients

Yet another way to be a direct sales superstar is to remember to follow up with your clients.

Specifically, create a system that will allow you to easily keep in contact with clients and prospects.

Unfortunately, many direct sales representatives are ready to give up once they receive a “no.” However, when a client says no to an appointment or purchase, it just may not be the best time.

Instead of accepting defeat, try to follow up with them later to see if they may be interested in sitting down with you or buying from you then. When you follow up with clients, you are demonstrating excellent customer service.


7. Use What You Are Selling

Finally, if you are trying to sell a product or service, make sure that you try this offering for yourself, too.

If you are truly excited about what you are selling, your customers will be able to tell. Likewise, they can tell if you’re just giving them a company-created spiel.

The more enthusiastic you are about the products you are selling, the easier it will be for you to make the sale every time.

Also, when you use your service or product, this gives you a personal experience with the offering. As a result, you gain firsthand information that you can incorporate into your sales presentations. This enables you to discuss your offering in an accurate and honest manner with possible customers.

How We Can Help You to Master How to Be Successful in Direct Sales

If you’re wondering how to be successful in direct sales, we’ve got you covered with our one-of-a-kind tool for salespeople: Sales Data Pro.

This tool is the most affordable and user-friendly generator of internet leads in real time. You can also receive consumer and business data from our tool. These data can be helpful to use in predictive dialing, telemarketing, and direct mail.

Get in touch with us to learn more about how Sales Data Pro can help you to take your sales successes to a whole new level in 2020 and beyond.